18th of September 2017
University of Liege, Salle de l’horloge, building A1, Place du 20 août
The team of the ERC-funded project “Migration and Transnational Social Protection” (MiTSoPro) and the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) are pleased to invite you to a one day methodological seminar at the University of Liège. The event is open for both early career and senior researchers.
The aim of this seminar is twofold. The first half of the seminar will be devoted to how to create reliable indexes that allow for a comprehensive comparative analysis of immigrant integration policies across different dimensions and how indexes can be used to translate qualitative information into single measures. The seminar will revolve around the creation of indexes targeted to the comparison of policies towards immigrants and emigrants access to social protection.
- Thomas Huddleston (Migration Policy Group) drawing on the paradigm of the Migrant Integration Policy Index project will give a session on how to utilise aggregated data in order to create indexes that measure immigrant integration policies. The Migrant Integration Policy Index is a tool which identifies and measures eight policy areas of migrants’ integration in thirty-eight countries across the globe.
- Pau Palop (GIGA) will introduce and explain the rationale behind the creation of the Emigrant Policies Index (EMIX). The later index is a product of the project Polities Beyond Border. The New Dynamics of Emigrant Politics and Policies in Latin America and aims to measure the importance that the sending states attribute to emigrant policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The second part of the seminar will be focused on an introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). QCA is a statistical technique that bridges quantitative and qualitative analysis.
- Pablo Castillo-Ortiz (University of Sheffield) will give a session on how to apply QCA analysis, what are the methodological challenges of this method, as well as how to interpret the results of a QCA analysis
Please note that there is a limitation on the number of attendees for this seminar, hence prior registration is necessary. To register for the seminar, contact Angeliki Konstantinidou. Priority will be given to the first ones to be registered.
Tentative Programme (subject to changes)
09:30-09:45 | Morning coffee & Introductions |
09:45-10:00 | Jean-Michel Lafleur, Daniela Vintila, Angeliki Konstantinidou (ULg) – Presentation of the Project “Migration and Transnational Social Protection” |
10:00-11:00 | Thomas Huddleston (Migration Policy Group – Program Director Migration and Integration) – The creation of the MIPEX Index |
11:00-12:00 | Pau Palop (Research Fellow – GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies) – The EMIX Indicator |
12:00-12:45 | Q&A |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch break |
13:45-15:45 | Pablo Castillo-Ortiz (University of Sheffield) – Qualitative Comparative Analysis: an introduction |
15:45-16:30 | Q&A |